Scroll Down Media Library 2023 All entries 16th Federal Congress Video-Archive Graphic Recording 51:10 Opening and welcoming words 19:00 International greeting Oleksandra Azarkhina 37:12 Keynote and Dialogue Aysel Osmanoglu 43:56 Discussion urban development and politics PNG Graphic-Recording 12.09.23 27:56 Keynote Dr.-Ing. Martina Doehler-Behzadi 49:01 Discussion partners of national urban development policy 08:58 Retrospective and farewell PNG Graphic-Recording 12.09.23 05:35 Film Mittelstädte 02:10 Mobilikon Fußwegeausbau 01:52 Mobilikon Jugendtaxi 01:59 Mobilikon Seniorentaxi 02:09 Mobilikon Smart4you 03:47 Neue Leipzig Charta 05:36 NSP 2022 Hannover 05:47 NSP 2022 Stuttgart 05:42 NSP 2022 Wittenberge 02:09 PlusBus 05:05 TdS Ulmer Weststadt 06:27 TdS Zeitz Gewinnerfilm